Strawberry puff pastry

 prep time 15 minutes, baking time 20-25 minutes

This Strawberry Puff pastry  recipe is the perfect shortcut to get something almost homemade on the table quickly.

They’re the perfect strawberry shaped pastries, simple and beautiful breakfast or dessert treat.


  • 1 package puff pastry dough  453 g
  • Pint of strawberries
  • 1 egg
  • 1tbsp powdered sugar
  • 1 tbsp. sesame  seeds.


  1. Preheat the oven to 400° F/200°C
  2. Roll out puff pastry dough
  3. Using heart shaped cookie cuter cut the dough.

4. Place sliced strawberries on the middle of heart  shaped dough.

5.Roll the second sheet, create lattice tops with a lattice roller or by cutting strips (traditional method) Open up the lattice after rolling and use the same heart-shaped cookie cutter to cut the tops of the tarts.


        6.Brush egg wash on the edges of the heart bases, lay the lattice tops over them, and press gently to seal. Use a fork to crimp the edges.

         7.Cut small shapes from the scraps to resemble strawberry stalks and greens, and stick them onto the tops of the hearts with egg wash.


      8.Brush the tops of the tarts with egg wash, sprinkle with sesame seeds and bake for 20-25 minutes, or until the pastry is golden brown and puffed.


        9. Allow the tarts to cool slightly on a wire rack, then dust with powdered sugar before serving.